TASUED JUPEB Cut Off Mark For All Courses 2025/2026 Academic Session

TAI SOLARIN UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION (TASUED) JUPEB admission cut off mark for the 2025/2026 academic session has been released by the management of the university. You should now have a good understanding of the TASUED JUPEB cut off mark for all courses after reading this post. There are, however, courses with more stringent requirements.

As regards TASUED JUPEB cut off mark, just incase you are not aware, the minimum required score for JUPEB is 10. As with the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), scoring up to the minimum JUPEB minimal cut-off mark for gives you the opportunity to apply for admission in any JUPEB affiliated institution in Nigeria; in this case, you need at least eight (8) points out of a possible 15 on the exam in order to use your JUPEB certificate.

The JUPEB Programme at TASUED awards the same certificate as the JUPEB Programs at other universities with which it is connected (JUPEB). Students who get this credential are guaranteed DE-Direct Entry into the 200-level of their chosen program at TASUED and all other JUPEB-affiliated universities in Nigeria.

The TASUED JUPEB cutoff point varies by courses at TAI SOLARIN UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION for the 2025/2026 academic session. In other words, the offered courses determine the minimum score required to enroll. Many of you have asked in the comments area for information on other colleges’ JUPEB cutoffs in addition to the TASUED JUPEB cutoff.

Candidates in the one-year program must earn a minimum of marks determined by the Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) in order to qualify for DE (Direct Entry) into the 200-level of their choice degree at any of the JUPEB-affiliated Universities in Nigeria.

TASUED JUPEB Cut Off Point for All Courses 2025/2026 Academic Session

Every once in a while, we want to remind potential students that the minimum TASUED JUPEB cut-off point is eight (8). However, the odds of acceptance are substantially higher for those with higher JUPEB scores.

  1. The entry requirement for all science and paramedical programs at TAI SOLARIN UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION (TASUED) is a JUPEB score of 8 or higher.
  2. Students applying to the School of Basic Medicine, Medical Sciences, and Related Courses at TASUED or any other JUPEB-affiliated university in Nigeria should aim for a score of at least 12 out of a possible 15.
  3. The passing grade in any engineering subject (including physics, chemistry, industrial mathematics, and so on) is 10 out of 15.
  4. The minimum JUPEB score for admission to TAI SOLARIN UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION’s Social Sciences and Management programs is eight (8). Students with a score of seven or more on the JUPEB exam have a better chance of being accepted to TASUED or another JUPEB-accepting institution.
  5. A minimum score of 8 is required for admission to both the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Agriculture.
  6. At TASUED JUPEB, the Faculty of Law requires a minimum score of 12 out of a possible 15. To enroll in the 200-level curriculum, prospective students need just submit an application to TASUED or another Nigerian university that is a member of the Joint Universities Programme in Education Board (JUPEB).

We hope this document elucidates any uncertainty you may have had regarding the 2025/2026 academic session JUPEB cut-off point for all courses at TAI SOLARIN UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION. Feel free to ask any question in the space provided below, and we shall revert accordingly.