ABSU Requirements For AffiIiation

Shared Affiliation Responsibilities


  • The University shall examine admission requirements to ensure that they are in conformity with that of Abia State University, Uturu.
    • The Affiliated Institutions shall adopt the curriculum of Abia State University in the affiliated programmes to ensure that they are of the same standard.
    • Both parties shall moderate all examinations and assessments to ensure that the conditions and requirements are in accordance with the University Academic Laws.
    • Each affiliated institution must develop long-term plans for its academic mission, role and capacity, which build on the strengths and special environment of the institution and submit it to the University through the Institute for Continuing Education.
    • The Director, Institute for Continuing Education shall direct the relevant Department to nominate an external examiners not below the rank of Professor from recognized institution (including Abia State University) which will be sent to the Vice-Chancellor for approval.
  1. Management of Affiliated Programmes
  • Both parties shall consider and approve the list of staff involved in teaching of courses in the affiliated programme at the beginning of each session.
    • Both parties shall consider and approve the list of candidates for admission into the affiliated programme
    • Admission forms shall be purchased from the affiliated institution and/or Abia State University website.
    • There shall be periodic visits from the University to carry out inspection of facilities in the affiliated institution.
    • The university shall make arrangement for students of the affiliated institution who may wish to conduct their research in Abia State University and shall be at the expense of the affiliated institution.
    • The Director of the Institute for Continuing Education shall give regular reports to the Vice Chancellor on affiliated Institutions and Distance Education Centre’s on the academic activities of the programmes. The Director of the Institute with the relevant Departments shall be responsible for the moderation of examination questions and shall be the University contact person for the affiliated institution and shall be represent the affiliated Institutions in University Senate; and shall represent the University in the Affiliated Institutions Governing Council.
    • The examination results of students in the affiliated programmes shall be prepared by the affiliated institution six weeks after the examinations. After the results have been considered and approved at all levels at the affiliated institution, the result shall be submitted to the Director of the Institute for Continuing Education for further processing.
    • The Institute for Continuing Education shall ensure that their Senate approved results are returned to the affiliated institution.
  1. Procedure for the Consideration of students’ results shall be:
  • Undergraduate Degree programme:

Director, ICE → ICE Academic Board→ Senate

  • Postgraduate Programme:

Director, ICE → ICE Academic Board →Senate.

  1. Payment of Fees
  • With the adoption of the E-Administration by Abia State University, 30% of the proceeds from the sale of admission shall go to Abia State University, while 70% will go to the affiliated institution.
    • 30% of tuition fees from affiliated programmes shall be paid to Abia State University
    • The payments above by students shall be made at the Abia State University payment platform which automatically distributes the money along the approved sharing formula with Affiliate Institutions (currently approved by University Management).
    • Abia State University shall withhold the release of results of students if the University is being owed by the Affiliate Institution.
  1. Withdrawal of Affiliation
  • The University has the right to withdraw the affiliation of an institution or some of the affiliated programmes in the institution.
    • Proceedings of withdrawal of affiliation may be initiated by the University in case an institution is found guilty of the following:

* Engagement in activities prejudicial to the interest of the University or inciting feelings of disloyalty or disaffection against the University.
* Non-fulfilment of conditions laid down regarding deficiencies to be addressed in spite of written notices.
* Disregard of rules and conditions of affiliation even after receiving written warnings.
* Non-availability of proper equipment/space/staff for teaching a particular programme.
* Compromise of academic standards by the institution.
* Failed accreditation of the programme by such regulatory bodies like National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and NCCE.
* Delay in processing and release of results in spite of written notices.

• The University shall provide adequate time and opportunity to the management of the school or institution served with the notice of de-affiliation, up to a maximum of one year for adequate removal/compliance of defects failing which the University may declare the institution de-affiliated.
• The affiliated institution may decline to renew affiliation after five (5) years.
• An affiliated institution wishing to terminate affiliation before the end of five years duration will have to give one (1) year notice before termination

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