ADSU Aggregate Score: How To Calculate ADSU Weighted Average Score 2025/2026 Session

ADSU aggregate score or weighted average is what I will be teaching you how to calculate. This post will be very essential for all current and prospective candidates especially for those who have selected Adamawa State University Mubi as their preferred choice of institution through UTME registration.

You will learn the following upon completion of this post

  • How to calculate ADSU Weighted average for all courses
  • ADSU aggregate score for all courses
  • How to know if you will be admitted despite passing the aggregate cut off mark
  • What to do if your weighted average does not meet the required cut off mark for your course.

If you have participated in ADSU post UTME screening exercise and seen your post UTME screening score then checking your post UTME aggregate score is your next step as this would determine if you are eligible for admission into ADSU to study the course you applied for

ADSU weighted average as a post has already provided for you, the approved steps required on how to calculate ADSU aggregate score.

Adamawa State University Mubi (ADSU) is one of the most respected state universities in Northern Nigeria which makes it one of the most competitive universities in the that region. Getting admitted to study in ADSU regardless of whether you are an indigene or not is quite tough which is why you have to ensure that your aggregate cut off mark is above the departmental cut off mark.

Most UTME candidates just assume that upon passing JAMB and post UTME, they are automatically admitted into the university of their choice, ideally, that is how it is meant to be but the educational sector is facing more and more challenges yearly as most schools do not have the capacity to contain the teem population of students seeking admission into various tertiary institutions every academic session.

The introduction of Post UTME and JAMB is to select the eligible students worthy to gain admission and reduce the number of admission seekers every academic session because every school has a quota they are meant to admit according to JAMB.

At the end of this post every student who will select or have selected ADSU as their preferred choice of institution should be able to calculate his or her aggregate score or aggregate cut off mark upon sighting his or her JAMB and post UTME results.

What Does Weighted Average Score Mean?

In relation to ADSUs weighted average score, here, this is simply the final score you get upon adding your scores obtained from JAMB, post UTME score and O’level result (optional) divided by 8 according to JAMB. In the case of ADSU combines your UTME and Post UTME scores divided by 8. O’level results are often ignored in most cases.

How to Calculate ADSU Weighted Average Score For All Courses

This is the point where I will be revealing to you, the steps required in calculating ADSU weighted average by revealing the techniques ADSU has devised in calculating their aggregate score upon obtaining your UTME and post UTME result.

ADSU has adopted the same formula that is not different from the technique used by other higher institutions. In calculating ADSU weighted average score, you need the following

  1. Your UTME score
  2. Your O’level result (Combined O’level result will reduce your score when compared to one (1) sitting)
  3. You post UTME screening test result.

ADSU employs a 50:40:10 system for calculating aggregate score. The sum of the total points would be 100%.

Your UTME carries more points with 50% representing your total JAMB score, 40% represents your ADSU Post UTME Score while just 10% represents your O’Level result.

UTME gives a total of 400 marks while ADSU Post UME gives you only 40 marks. In ASBU Post UTME screening exercise, you will write on 4 subjects – 3 of the subjects comes from that which you must have written in your UTME while and an Aptitude test which replaces the Use of English. Your O’level grade counts for 10 marks.

When you have your JAMB score, Post UTME score and O’level grades handy you can follow the calculation process below.

Divide your JAMB score by 8

Add Post UTME score

Grade your O’level score and add it too

The result is your weighted average score.

I will give an illustration on a real life scenario on how to calculate ADSU aggregate score for you to properly understand.

Illustration 1

Let’s assume Bisi scores 250 in JAMB, 50 in Post UTME her weighted average will be calculated as thus;


JAMB = 250 / 8 = 31.25

Post UTME = 50

Total aggregate score = 31.25 + 50 = 81.25

Therefore Bisi’s aggregate score is 81.25

ADSU Departmental Cut Off Mark

When calculating your aggregate cut off mark, bear in mind that the final result must meet up with the departmental cut off mark for the course you want to study. Below is the cut off mark for several departments in ADSU.

Please note that ADSU introduces new cut off mark every year so you shouldn’t expect the cut off mark for the previous year to be the same with the present year. However, before the release of the present departmental cut off mark, you can use the one for the previous year as a guide.

ADSU Aggregate Score For All Courses

Upon calculating ADSU aggregate scores, please note that the final aggregate per course/department is usually available on the ADSU’s portal where all aggregate scores per course is made available.

How to know if you will be admitted despite passing the aggregate cut off mark

The simple technique is that if your score up to the departmental cut off mark for the course in ADSU (weighted average) you will be admitted. However if you score up to the departmental cut off mark for the course and still not admitted, please follow the guideline on the next point below.

What to do if your Weighted Average Meets the Departmental Cut off Mark for Your Course Yet No Admission

Ensure your obtain a JAMB change of course form immediately and change your course from the current one registered in ADSU to another less competitive course where your aggregate score can compete with comfortably. When doing this, ensure the course you are switching over to is in the same faculty with the course you are applying for or share the same UTME and Olevel subject combinations and requirements respectively.

That concludes the article on how to calculate ADSU aggregate cut off mark for all courses and all you need to know.

I believe the above is well understood? Please feel free to send your questions as it relates to ADSU aggregate score for 2025/2026 academic session should be passed on to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.