Baba Ijebu Lotto: How to Play & Check Results(Winning Numbers)

Baba Ijebu premier lotto is a game of chance and luck. It is very easy to make big bucks out of it and it’s also very easy to lose if you don’t know how to play the game. Here, we will discuss the basic things you need to know about how to play Baba Ijebu Lotto and how to check the winning numbers otherwise known as results.

One thing to always remember is that as long as it is a game, there is never a win-win situation. However, these rules on how to play will still play a major role in your winning streak.

How To Play Baba Ijebu Lotto

  1. Banker: it’s method of play means that if you have one single number which you are convinced will come among winning numbers and you don’t want to lose game, you can play one single number with other numbers as it minimizes your chances of loosing and increases your chances of winning though it doesn’t give as much as 3 Direct explained below.
  2. Three (3) Direct: it means you need to get exactly 3 numbers out of the 5 winning numbers. Example when you play 02-12-22 and all three appears to be among the winning numbers then you have won yourself a game. It is one of the highest paying game plans but also the hardest to win.
  3. Two (2) Sure: It is called two sure or 2 direct because it involves playing 2 numbers which you think that might be among the winning numbers. Example if you play either of 28-67 or 32-70 and both of the two of them comes as the winning number, you’re a winner. The catch here is that 3 direct gives more money than 2 sure but it is harder to win. While 2 sure gives less money but is easier to win.
  4. Permutation: Permutation means combining few numbers and expecting to get at least 2 numbers inside the winning numbers. The only way to win in permutation is if you can perm up to 5 numbers.

How To Win Baba Ijebu Lotto

There are so various ways to win this game. Some of them are:

    1. Forecasting Lotto: This method involves using the past lotto results to forecast lotto upcoming wining numbers. Forecasting involves luck, chance, or whatever you may call it. One can’t really depend on this method.

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  1. Quadri Oseni
  2. Quadri Oseni
  3. Quadri Oseni
  4. Quadri Oseni
  5. Quadri Oseni
  6. Hannah joseph
  7. Temitope Adebiyi
  8. olaifa gbemiga
  9. chuks
  10. mr brown
  11. Musibau Sodip
  12. Anonymous
  13. yetunde
  14. yetunde
  15. yetunde
  16. yetunde