Business Ideas in Nigeria: 100 Lucrative Business Ideas

Nigeria currently has a high rate of unemployed youths including graduates. This is due to the fact that a lot of youths are searching for white collar jobs where they would be employed. Nigeria has a population of over 140 million people. This is a huge population that creates a huge potential for a business.

The lack of entrepreneurs in Nigeria has lead to Nigeria importing most of the finished products consumed in the country including something as small as toothpick. Nigeria thus has a huge market for products and services which some entrepreneurs have already taken advantage of.

A very good example is Dangote who started little but has today attained the status of the richest man in Africa. There are also a lot of other thriving businesses in Nigeria that started from little with the right knowledge and concept.

A lot of individuals have always cited capital as the reason why they cannot start a business. Most of the businesses ideas for Nigerians listed however are businesses you can start with little or no capital at the back of your house with the prospect of growing it into something bigger.

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100 Small Scale Business Ideas in Nigeria:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Baking and confectioneries
  • Beautician
  • Blogging
  • Business Broker
  • Car wash services
  • Carpet / Rug cleaning
  • Charging of batteries including those of cars and phones
  • Consultant on overseas study and scholarship
  • Consultant on time management
  • Cooking services
  • Corporate Cleaning Services
  • Crafts business
  • Dance Instructor

SEE ALSO: 20 Online and Offline Solid Businesses You Can Do From Home