How to Calculate Your GPA for Gregory University 2025

Cumulative Gross Point Average (CGPA) calculations have become standard at Gregory University. To get a good grade and make sure you’re on track to get the grade you want, you should always calculate your GP. Getting into Gregory University is a big deal. If you get in, you can feel good about yourself because you’ve already overcome a big obstacle, but now the real fight for a good CGPA begins.

At this point, you start to go to class, do your homework, and study for your test. Students who are paying attention start to learn how to figure out their CGPA early on so they can try to get on upper credit. Most students at Gregory University want to figure out their CGPA based on their grades, but they don’t know how.

In this post, I’ll show you how to figure out your grade point average at Gregory University. This is just as important as anything else you do to make sure you get good grades. If you know how to figure out your GP, you can figure out where you stand each semester and how close you are to reaching your goal for being in an educational institution. So, in this article, we’ll explain how to figure out your GPA at Gregory University.

How to Calculate Your Gregory University GPA

So, here is the range of each letter grade before the benchmark at Gregory University.

The Old Grading System Table

Percentage ScoreLetter GradePointsRating/Remark
70 – 100A5Excellent
60 – 69B4Very Good
50 – 59C3Good
45 – 49D2Fair
*40 – 44E1Pass
0 – 30F0Fail

The pass score/mark has been extended in accordance with the new NBTE standard “E.” The letter “E” is considered to be “Fail”.

Here’s the new system: a student’s work at the university is currently rated in the letters below, with each letter carrying an equal number of points, as follows:

Table of the New Scoring System

Percentage ScoresLetter GradesPointsRating/Remark
70 – 100A5Excellent
60 – 69B4Very Good
50 – 59C3Good
*45 – 49D2Pass
0 – 44F0Fail

In Gregory University, the least acceptable pass score is 45% (percent). As a result, a ‘D’ will be the minimum passing mark for all courses, including electives and General Studies. All examples below, however, will be based on the most recent update (benchmark).

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

The above grading method is used to calculate a student’s grade point average at the conclusion of each semester. Assume that in his or her first semester, the student offers the following courses:

Course codeTitle of CourseCredit Unit
GSP 100The Use of English I2
GSP 111Use of Library2
GSP 105Natural Science I2
GSP 201Social Sciences I2
COS 101Introduction to Computer Science2
STA 131Inference I2
MTH 221Real Analysis I3
                                      Total Credit Units15

Now let’s Assume your grades are C, A, D, A, D, B, and C in each of the courses, which is equal to 3, 5, 2, 5, 2, 4, and accordingly. Using the new grading scale, each course’s total point will be calculated as follows:

Total Point of a Course = credit unit of the course multiplied by the grade point matching to the letter grade of the course in question, i.e. Total Point of a Course = credit unit of the course multiplied by the grade point relating to the letter grade of the course in question Grade point for the course, then repeat for all subsequent courses in the same manner:

Table for Calculating CGPA for First Semester at Gregory University

Course CodeCredit UnitLetter GradePoints GradeCredit x PointsTotal Points
GSP 1002C32 x 36
GSP 1112A52 x 510
GSP 1052D22 x 24
GSP 2012A52 x 510
COS 1012D22 x 24
STA 1312B42 x 48
MTH 2213C33 x 39
    Total Points51

The entire point, 51, is then divided by the total number of credit units (15) to produce the grade point average. Noting that there is no space for approximation in the computation of GPA, the following formula is used: First Semester GPA = Total points/Total Credit Units = 51/15 = 3.4.

Calculation of Your CGPA for Second Semester at Gregory University

Assume that in the second semester, the student takes the following courses:

Course codeTitle of CourseCredit Unit
CHH 112Basic Principles of Physical Chemistry2
GSP 208Humanities II2
GSP 106Natural Science II2
GSP 202Social Sciences II2
BIO 152General Biology II3
PHY 196Practical Physical III2
GLG 142Earth’s History3
                                         Total Credit Units16

And the student receives the following grades in the courses: A, A, C, F, D, D, and B. The second semester GPA of the student will then be displayed in the table below.

Course CodeCredit UnitLetter GradePoints GradeCredit x PointsTotal Points
CHH 1122A52 x 510
GSP 2082A52 x 510
GSP 1062C32 x 36
GSP 2022F02 x 00
BIO 1523D23 x 26
PHY 1962D22 x 24
GLG 1423B43 x 412
    Total Points48

GPA for the second semester = The Total points/Total Credit Courses = 48/16 = 3.0 = 3.0

This method of figuring out GP is the same as what other universities use, so it can be used at other schools as well.

I hope you get what I mean? You can contact me through the comments section below, and I will be happy to help.