List of Postgraduate Courses Offered In MAUTECH

The management of Moddibo Adama University of Technology has published the list of accredited PG courses offered in the institution for interested candidates who must have selected the school as their preferred choices of institution during their UTME registration.

In this post, aside listing all Moddibo Adama University of Technology PG courses available in the institution, I will also be guiding you through their entry admission requirements as well as all you need to know before selecting a course of study in MAUTECH.

Below is the list of what to look out for before choosing a course in MAUTECH.

  1. The MAUTECHPG Admission Requirements;
  2. The Duration of programmes
  3. The availability of your programme

The above are the 3 most important factors that can determine if you will be admitted to study your chosen course in MAUTECH or not.

I will breakdown the above 3 factors before listing the following according to the faculties they are categorized at MAUTECH.

  • List of all PGD programmes offered in MAUTECH.
  • List of all Masters degree programmes offered in MAUTECH.
  • List of all Ph.D programmes available in MAUTECH.

Now I will breakdown the 3 factors that you must take cognizance of when searching for PG courses offered in MAUTECH.

List of Postgraduate Courses Offered In MAUTECH

Available Postgraduate Programmes

Postgraduate Diploma Programmes

PGD Agricultural Economics

PGD Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology

PGD Postharvest Physiology & Storage Technology.

PGD Crop Protection

PGD Fisheries Technology

PGD Forestry Technology

PGD Wildlife Conservation & Management

PGD in Soil Management and Land Use Planning

Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Project Management

PGD Surveying & Geo-informatics

PGD Urban and Regional Planning

Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance

Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Postgraduate Diploma in Banking and Finance (PGDBF)

PGDTE Technology Education


Master’s Degree Programmes

M.Sc. Agricultural Economics

M.Sc. Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology

Master of Animal Production (MAP)

M.Sc Animal Science

M.Tech Agronomy

M.Tech Crop Breeding

M.Tech Postharvest Physiology & Storage Technology

M.Tech Crop Protection

M.Tech. Fisheries Management and Aquaculture

M.Tech Ecosystems Management (Options in Forest Biology and Ecology, and Wildlife Conservation and Management)

M.Tech Forest Products Management and Utilization (Options in Forest Resource Management and Forest Economics and Policy)

M.Tech Soil Science

M.Eng Farm Power and Machinery

M.Eng Soil and Water Engineering

M.Eng Soil and Water Engineering

M.Eng. Chemical Engineering (Process Option)

M.Eng. Chemical Engineering (Ceramic Option)

M.Eng Electrical Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunication)

M.Eng Electrical Engineering (Control & Instrumentation)

M.Eng Electrical Engineering (Power & Machines)

M.Eng Production and Industrial Engineering

M.Sc. Construction Project Management

M.Sc. Geography

M.Sc. Environmental Management

M.Tech. Surveying & Geo-informatics

MURP in Urban and Regional Planning

Masters in Treasury and Financial Management (MTFM)

Master of Science Accounting

M.Sc. Economics

M.Tech Information Management Technology

Masters in Business Administration (MBA)

Masters in Public Administration (MPA)

M.Sc. Banking and Finance

M.Sc. Management

M.Tech General Biochemistry

M.Tech Analytical Chemistry

M.Tech Industrial Chemistry

Physical Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Computer Science

Economic Geology and Mineral Exploration

Hydrogeology/ Engineering Geology

Sedimentology/Petroleum Geology



Mathematics with Economics

Radiation and Health Physics

Energy Physics

Solid State Physics



Operations Research


Applied Entomology and Parasitology

Ecology and Environmental Biology

Applied Hydrobiology and Fisheries

Edu. Electrical Technology

Edu. Electronics Technology

Curriculum & Instruction

Educational Psychology (M.Ed)

Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Physics and Mathematics (M.Tech Ed)

Educational Management (M.Tech Ed)

Wood Technology (M.Tech Ed)

Construction Technology (M.Tech Ed)

Mechanical (Automobile) Technology (M.Tech Ed)

Mechanical (Production) Technology (M.Tech Ed)

Agricultural Technology Education (M.Tech Ed)

Peace and Conflict Studies (M.Tech Ed)


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

Agricultural Economics

Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology

Animal Science


Crop Breeding

Postharvest Physiology and Storage Technology

Crop Protection with options in Nematology, Bacteriology, Mycology & Entomology

Fisheries Management and Aquaculture in Fish Nutrition, Fish Breeding & Genetics, Aquatic Toxicology, Environmental Pollution, Processing and Preservation, Fisheries Management, Fish Biology, Fish Pathology & Pathobiology.

Ecosystems Management (Options in Forest Biology and Ecology, and Wildlife Conservation and Management)

Forest Products Management and Utilization (Options in Forest Resource Management and Forest Economics and Policy)

Soil Science

Agricultural and Environmental Engineering with options in Farm Power and Machinery

Production Engineering

Thermofluids and Energy Engineering

Solid Mechanics

Construction Project Management

(ii) Ph.D. Geography with specialization in Climatology, Geomorphology, Hydrology and Water Resources, Transportation, Population, Rural Geography, Soils and Biogeography, Remote Sensing and GIS Application.

Environmental Management

Surveying & Geo-informatics

Urban and Regional Planning



Toxicology Biochemistry

Pharmaceutical Biochemistry

Medical Biochemistry

Analytical Chemistry

Industrial Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Physical Chemistry

Polymer Chemistry

Computer Science

Economic Geology and Mineral Exploration

Sedimentology/Petroleum Geology



Medical Microbiology

Industrial Microbiology

Environmental Microbiology

Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding

Plant Pathology with options in Solid State Physics, Energy Physics, Radiation and Health Physics, Geophysics and Physics

Operations Research


Applied Entomology and Parasitology

Applied Hydrobiology and Fisheries

Public Health Parasitology

Electrical Technology

Electronics Technology

Curriculum & Instruction

Educational Psychology

Biology Education, Physics Education, Geography Education and Mathematics Education

Educational Management

Automobile Technology Education

Mechanical Production Technology Education

Construction Technology Education

Woodwork Technology Education

Agricultural Technology Education


To be eligible for admission to a Postgraduate programme of the University, the candidate must possess five O’ Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and any other three relevant subjects at not more than two sittings.


To be eligible for admission to the PGD programme, candidates must be holders of third class honors first degree in a relevant discipline from any university or holders of Higher National Diploma (HND) at minimum of upper Credit in a relevant discipline. For unclassified HND Certificates, a CGPA of 3.5(5- point scale) and 3.00 (4-point scale) or 60% shall be taken as equivalent to upper credit.


To be eligible for admission to the Master’s degree programme, candidates must.

  1. Be graduates of MAUTECHor any other recognized Universities by Senate and shall have obtained a first degree with at least Second Class Honors.
  2. Possess a first degree with Third Class Honors from a recognized University and at least an Upper Credit at Postgraduate Diploma in a relevant field, or

iii. Possess the Higher National Diploma (HND), with at least Upper Credit and Postgraduate Diploma in a relevant field from a recognized institution, or

  1. Any other certificate or qualification that may be acceptable to Senate.


To be eligible for admission to the Doctor of Philosophy degree programme, a candidate shall have obtained a Master’s Degree which includes course work and research from this or its equivalent from any other University recognized by Senate in relevant disciplines, with Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 4.0 (5- point scale) or 3.00 (4- point scale).


Applicants applying for any of the PGD courses offered in MAUTECH must meet the following requirements:
i. Applicants must obtain a minimum of 5 (Five) credit passes including English Language and Mathematics at ‘O’ Level in not more than two sittings.

  1. Candidates must have obtained a Bachelor’s degree from any recognized University or HND from any recognized Polytechnic in Nigeria not lower than Third Class; or its equivalent to be eligible to apply.

iii) In addition to the above, Candidates with Higher National Diploma (HND) with a minimum of Merit in related field of study from a Polytechnic or any recognized institution

  1. iv) Candidates must posses a Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class (Lower Division) in area not related to the field applying for may be considered


Applicants applying for Academic Masters Degree courses offered in MAUTECH must meet the following requirements:

  1. Applicants must obtain a minimum of 5 (five) credit passes including English Language and Mathematics at ‘O’ Level in not more than two sittings.
  2. In addition to the above, Candidates must have obtained a first Degree of Moddibo Adama University of Technology(MAUTECH) or any recognized university in relevant field with a minimum of Second Class (Lower Division); and

iii. Lastly, Candidates with Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) with a minimum CGPA of 3.50 is also eligible.


Applicants applying for professional Masters Degree courses offered in MAUTECH must meet the following requirements:

  1. Applying Candidates is expected to have a minimum of 5 (five) credit passes including English Language and Mathematics at ‘O’ Level in not more than 2 sittings and not more than two year apart.
  2. Another PG admission requirement for Professional Masters at MAUTECHis, Candidate is expected to have obtained a First Degree from MAUTECHor any recognized university in relevant field with a minimum of Second Class (Lower Division)

iii. In addition to the above (ii) candidates with Third Class Degree or HND and a Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) from Moddibo Adama University of Technology  or any recognized institution with a minimum of 3.50 CGPA are eligible to apply.


Candidates applying for Ph.D programmes offered in MAUTECH must meet the following requirements:

  1. One of the requirements include a minimum of 5 (five) credit passes including English Language and Mathematics at ‘O’ Level in not more than 2 sittings and not more than two year apart.
  2. Secondly, Candidates are expected to have obtained a First Degree from Moddibo Adama University of Technologyor any the recognised universities in Nigeria from any relevant field with a minimum of Second Class (Lower Division)

iii. Lastly, Candidate must have obtained a Masters Degree from MAUTECH or any recognized university in the proposed field of study with minimum CGPA of 3.50.


Please note that candidates with B.Sc, PGD and HND cannot apply for Ph.D directly without going though Masters Degree programme first.


Photocopies of NYSC Discharge/Exemption Certificates, photocopies of all qualifying credentials, including O’level must be attached to the completed application forms. Candidates should arrange for their transcripts to be sent directly to the Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies. Non-receipt of transcripts in time is at the detriment of the applicant.


Postgraduate Diploma Programmes

  1. Full-Time Diploma:  Minimum of two semesters and a maximum of four semesters.
  2. Part-Time Diploma: Minimum of three semester and a maximum of eight semesters.

Masters Degree Programmes

  1. Full-Time: A minimum of three semesters and a maximum of six semesters.
  2. Part-Time: A minimum of four semesters and a maximum of eight semesters.

M.Phil/Ph.D Programmes

  1. Full-Time: A minimum of six semesters and a maximum of eight semesters.
  2. Part-Time: A Minimum of eight semesters and a maximum of ten semesters

Ph.D Programme

  1. Full-Time: A Minimum of six semesters and a maximum of eight semesters.
  2. Part-Time: A minimum of eight semesters and a maximum of ten semesters.

MAUTECH PG courses are wide in terms of scope of coverage. The University offers PG courses in almost every field that is beneficial to students. The above are the PG courses offered in MAUTECH that are currently accredited by the NTBE (National Board for Technical Education).

Please note that the MAUTECH PG courses listed above are still offered in the institution so you can select any that suites your career path and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via the comment section below and I will answer your questions in accordance.