Primary 4 Religion and National Value Scheme of Work 1st Term – 3rd Term 2025/2026 Session

The government-approved scheme of work for Primary 4 Religion and National Value for all topics is now available on our platform. This unified (used in all states) scheme of work covers all topics ranging from first term to third term which starts with introduction and revision of the previous term, midterm breaks, revision, examination, and vacation.

The Primary 4 Religion and National Value scheme of work government-approved subjects for all primary schools in Nigeria make this scheme of work very important. It is the government revised scheme for all topics for Primary 4 Religion and National Value and it is applicable to all states. That is, schools (Private and government-owned) operating in all states in Nigeria are advised to make use of this scheme of work as it contains the approved curriculum.

Religion and National Value is a compulsory subject because they form the core foundation of development for pupils in primary school level up to secondary level.

The Primary 4 Religion and National Value scheme of work seen here is the latest revised unified scheme of work according to the Ministry of Education. It is applicable in all states, it is the approved scheme for all basic and primary school levels that must be compulsorily adopted by all schools in Lagos, Ogun, Ibadan, Port Harcourt, Abuja, Anambra, Delta state and all states in Nigeria be it private or public schools because it is from the scheme of work that national common entrance is curled from.

The government approved Primary 4 scheme of work here states all the topics to be treated and how it should be taught. Teaching pupils in primary schools is somewhat different from secondary, for primary schools you need to be more practical in your teaching. Nowadays, audio-visual means are now being adopted by majorly private schools in teaching Primary 4 Religion and National Value as it helps the children assimilate and remember easily, what has been taught.

Primary 4 scheme of work here also highlights the time frame given to cover each subject because it is the government’s directive that all schools finish the academic session within the same time frame hence the need to cover all topics within the stipulated period which is usually within 10 to 12 weeks.

In as much as most private schools have adopted the Montessori method of teaching which is centered on independent activity or better put, a more practical method of teaching which involves using physical objects or audiovisual materials which in turn makes children make creative choices in their learning and this is often tutored by a well-trained teacher who guides the pupils in the process, this does not in any way change or make them (private primary schools) adopt another scheme of work, it’s just a different method of imparting knowledge in their pupils.

The government-approved scheme of work for Primary 4 Religion and National Value is the same as the scheme of work used by all states. Say, for instance, the Lagos state-approved scheme of work Primary 4 Religion and National Value is the same as the scheme of work used in the eastern and northern region of Nigeria except for some slight changes which have to do with religious and cultural background. For instance, the scheme of work in Lagos and other southwestern states contains Yoruba Language but is not present in the northern or eastern region of Nigeria.

In this post, we shall cover the following:

  • The government approved a unified scheme of work for Primary 4 Religion and National Value for 2025
  • Lagos state scheme of work for Religion and National Value in primary school for 2025
  • Unified Primary 4 scheme of work for all 36 states in Nigeria including the FCT, Abuja.
  • Government-approved scheme of work for Primary 4 Religion and National Value first term.
  • Government-approved scheme of work for Primary 4 Religion and National Value 2nd term.
  • Government-approved scheme of work for Primary 4 Religion and National Value 3rd term.

Having listed the available Primary 4 scheme of work for Religion and National Value 2025/2026 academic session, I will be providing the full scheme below. All you need to do is identify the subject you need and make do with the information for your personal consumption.

Government Approved Scheme of Work for Primary 4 Religion and National Value 1st Term to 3rd Term 2025/2026 Session

Government-approved scheme of work for Primary 4 Religion and National Value first term.

Primary 4 Scheme of Work for Religion and National Value (First Term)

Week 1: Revision of promotional exam questions

Week 2 (CRS): God has a plan for us: the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man (John 1:2) (John 3:16) (Matt. 5:21-24)

Week 3 (Civic): Meaning and importance of good government

Week 4 (S/St): Social environment

Week 5 (Security Education): Introduction to neighborhood security, the meaning of neighborhood watch

Week 6 (CRS): Significance of being in Christ (John 13: 34-35) attitude of children of one Father (1 John 4:7-8)

Week 7 (CIVIC): Types of government: differences between the types of government.

Week 8 (Social Studies): Family as the basic unit society, nuclear family, extended family (Draw family tree)

Week 9 (Security Education): Ways of reporting suspicious movement in their neighborhood

Week 10 (CRS): Importance of living in peace: God calls us for a purpose (1sam. 3:10)

(Isa. 6:8) (Gen. 12:1-3) (Luke 5:1-11) (Gen. 12:1-12)

Week 11 (CIVIC): National value, the meaning of value, value examples of obedience loyalty, dedication, honesty, etc.

Week 12 (Social studies): Benefit of family relationship

Week 13: Revision and examination

Primary 4 Scheme of Work for Religion and National Value (Second Term)

Week 1: Revision of last term’s work

Week 2 (CRS): God gives his law to us: meaning of law, reason why God gave ten

Commandment (Exo. 20:1-17) purpose of laws in our society

Week 3 (CIVIC): Need for civic values in the society

Week 4 (Social Studies): Culture: Meaning and element of culture, why people have different customs

Week 5 (Social Studies): Consequences of failure to observe suspicious movements and people in the neighborhood

Week 6 (CRS): Jesus loves all people: identify various ways God shows love to his people (Matt. 5, 44-46) (John 3:16) (John 15:12)

Week 7 (CIVIC): Nation: meaning and characteristics of a nation

Week 8 (Social Studies): Other people’s beliefs and tradition, why our beliefs and tradition differ from or are similar to others.

Week 9 (Security Education): Ways or reporting suspicious movement and people in the neighborhood

Week 10 (CRS): Identify instances Jesus demonstrated his love (Mark 1046) Blind Bartimaeus (Luke 19:1-6) Adulterous woman (John 8:1-3

Week 11 (CIVIC): Building our nation: the reason why we should build our nation

Week 12 (Social Studies): Some of the values that can be promoted with a better understanding of our cultural differences

Week 13: Revision and Examination

Primary 4 Scheme of Work for Religion and National Value (Third Term)

Week 1: Revision of last term’s work

Week 2 (CRS): Jesus gives his life for us on the cross, the reason for Jesus gives his life for us (John 15:13-14) (John 3:16) Sacrifice is involved in Jesus giving his life for us

Week 3 (CIVIC): Ethnicity: ethnic or social group consciousness that influences social, economic, and political decision

Week 4 (Social Studies): Characteristic of drug abusers, street name of commonly abused drugs

Week 5 (Security Education): Dangerous people such as thieves, robbers, kidnappers, rapists, and other undesirable elements may infiltrate the neighborhood as a result of violence may occur.

Week 6 (CRS): Importance of why Jesus laid His life for us, Jesus gives us a new life, meaning, Evidence, fruits, and characteristics of a new life

Week 7 (Civic): Causes, consequences of ethnicity, and solution to ethnicity problem

Week 8 (Social Studies): Prevention of drug abuse-life coping skills

Week 9 (Security Education): Different emergency phone numbers and their uses e.g. Police, fire services. FRSC, NEMA, general hospitals, and NAFDAC

Week 10 (CRS): God and our talents, (Matt. 25:13-30) stress the purpose which gifts and abilities are given for service of God and humanity.

Week 11 (CRS): Kindness to others, the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37)

Week 12 (Civic): Meaning and types of accident, first aid treatment, positive attitude towards accident and accident victims.

Week 13: Revision and Examination.

I hope this has been helpful, especially for school owners, teachers, parents, and guardians who need it for the personal tutoring of their wards. The Primary 4 Religion and National Value scheme of work is government approved for all subjects taught at the elementary stage (primary school) for 2025 so if you have any questions as regards the subject matter please feel free to reach out to me via the comment section below and I will respond accordingly.