SS3 Mathematics Lesson Note (First Term) 2025

The lesson note for SS3 Mathematics first term is now available for Tutors, parents, guardians and students who have been searching for an accurate and updated 2025 note.

Please note that the first term lesson note is curled out from the approved scheme of work for Senior Secondary school. So you can do your verification as well and compare the first term lesson note for SS3 Mathematics as seen on the free PDF file made available towards the end of this post.

The SS3 Mathematics lesson note for first term is in line with the 2025 SS3 Mathematics scheme of work for the term. This means the SS3 Mathematics lesson note is tailored towards achieving the aim and objective for the subject as mandated by the ministry of education.

Below is The Mathematics Scheme of work from which the Mathematics SS3 first term lesson note was drafted from:



S S S 3

1SURDS(a) Meaning of rational and irrational numbers leading to the definition of surds.

(b) the rules guiding the basic operation with surd i.e √a + √b ≠ √a + b  ; √a – √b ≠ √a – b ;√a x √b = √a x b: √a ÷ √b = √a/b.

(c) conjugates of a binomial surd using the idea of the difference of two squares

(d) Application to solving triangles involving trigonometric ratios of special angles 300, 600 , and 450 .

(e) Evaluation of expressions involving surds.

2MATRICES AND DETERMINANT 1(a) Definition, order and notation of matrix.

(b) Types of matrix.

(c) Addition and subtraction of matrix. (d) Scalar multiplication of matrices

3MATRICES AND DETERMINANT 2(a) Multiplication of matrices.

(b) Transpose of a matrix.

(c) Determinant of 2×2 and 3×3 matrices.

(d) Application to solving simultaneous linear equations in two variables.

4LOGARITHM(a) Revision of laws of indices.

(b) Laws of logarithms.

(c) Logarithmic equations.

5ARITHMETIC OF FINANCE(a) Simple interest (revision).

(b) Compound interest.

(c) Depreciation.

(d) Annuities.

(e) Amortization.

(f) Further use of logarithm table in problem involving: (i) Bonds and Debentures (ii) shares (iii) Rates (iv) Income tax (v) Value added Tax.

6SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME OF SPHERE(a) Surface area of sphere.

(b) Volume of  sphere

8LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE(a) Earth as a sphere.

(b) Identification of: (i) North and South poles. (ii) Longitudes (iii) Latitudes  (iv) Small circles and great circles. (v) Meridian and equator. (vi) Parallel of Latitude. (vii) Radius of parallel of latitude     (viii) Radius of Earth.

9LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE(a) Revision of: arc length of a curve.

(b) Calculations of distance between two points on the earth; shortest distance between two points.

(d) Nautical rules, time variation.





At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to understand the following concepts:

  • Meaning of rational and irrational numbers leading to the definition of surds.
  • conjugates of a binomial surd using the idea of the difference of two squares
  • Application to solving triangles involving trigonometric ratios of special angles 300, 600 , and 450 .
  • Definition, order and notation of matrix.
  • Types of matrix.
  • Addition and subtraction of matrix.
  • Scalar multiplication of matrices
  • Laws of logarithms.
  • Logarithmic equations
  • Simple interest .
  • Compound interest.

The above are what is expected of a SS3 student to know and be able to understand with ease. The SS3 Mathematics first term lesson note here is aided with graphics so it makes it easier not just for the students but for the teachers too.

I have made the SS3 Mathematics first term lesson note available in a PDF format for free download without any extra cost as this would ease the passage of knowledge from teachers to students without hinderances. It is a my little way of giving back to the educational sector where I belong.

All you need do is click the download button below to get the PDF file of the Mathematics first term lesson note for first term.

SS3 Mathematics First Term Lesson Note 2025

To get the updated SS3 Mathematics first term lesson note for 2025 please see the download button below. You can save to your personal device so it can be accessed anytime.


I hope the above has helped? Please feel free to ask questions as regards the Mathematics approved SS3 Mathematics first term lesson note for 2025 if you have any and I will be glad to assist.

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