Business Ideas in Nigeria: 100 Lucrative Business Ideas

  • Selling chilled homemade drinks such as zobo, kunu, fruit juice, etc
  • Selling of fruits such as orange, apple, water melon, pineapple, etc
  • Selling of pet products
  • SMS marketing
  • Software Programmer
  • Spas and Massage
  • Starting a video game center
  • Teaching
  • Teaching music lessons
  • Teaching of foreign languages
  • Technical writing
  • Telephone answering services
  • Tour guide
  • Training of pets
  • Travel agency
  • Typing services
  • Uploading videos to youtube
  • Viewing Center
  • Web Designer
  • Web Publishing
  • Writing homemade story books
  • Writing movie scripts
  • Writing of business plans
  • Writing of proposals
  • Writing of songs
  • Writing press releases
  • Writing services for CV and Resume
  • Yoghurt making and selling

While some of these businesses might require little startup capital for tools and initial materials, there are others that you could start with nothing except telling people around you, you offer such services or posting it on facebook and other social media. Even if what you want to do requires capital, you could start from freelancing and the ones that require no capital until you are able to raise what you need.

For instance, if you want to start a hair or make-up salon, you could offer these services from home. In this case, your customers come with their equipment, you do it in your house or your home and then you get paid. You would however have to put in extra effort to do it in such a way that it would be easy for such an individual to refer his or her friends and before you know you would have enough funds and customers in starting your hair or make-up salon.

There are however, many other business opportunities in Nigeria that require little or no startup funds that are not even included in the list. Good luck starting something today that could one day become a multinational company.

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