WORK FROM HOME: 20 Online/Offline Businesses You Can Do From Home.

20 Online and Offline Businesses you can do from home.

This seems to be a new trend as more professionals and companies adopt flexible working policies to accommodate shifting workplace priorities and realities the working from home option is becoming increasingly viable. Employees see this as an ideal means to remain in the workforce and continue to be employed thereby maintaining all the tangible benefits of being part of an established company, while enjoying all the advantages of being based at home. The option has its potential pitfalls however when you talk about the flexibility, less distractions, less stress and proximity to family and home, the advantages hugely overweigh the disadvantages.

Antiques/collectibles dealing Know your stuff when it comes to certain kinds of collectibles? If so this can be a great way to make money from a hobby. Trading sites such as eBay make it easier than ever to reach your target market, according to Trent Hamm, author of US money-saving blog “I had some success with this myself in the past, trading cards and video games,” he says.

Babysitting/Daycare Centre: This actually sounds feminine you can spare a part of your room or carve out an idle space for this business. Preferably this works for ladies due to their natures unlike men, this is often a no go area of business except in the western world.

Biscuit/sweet making: Homemade biscuits and confectionery can be a good source of income here.  “Bake and package them well, and try reselling through a local gift shop. People in your social network may buy batches for special occasions.”

Cake making/decorating: If you enjoy baking and have an artistic touch, making and decorating cakes can be a really satisfying way of earning extra money.

Catering: Formal qualifications are not strictly required for catering, which is more about producing and delivering good food. Acquiring skills in hospitality and catering would go a long way in increasing your worth.