Category: Universities
We wish to notify all new and returning students of University of Ibadan (UI) that the university’s administration has made adjustments to the academic calendar for the 2025/2026 academic session. …
The Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto’s management has announced the date of the university’s 38th to 41st combined Convocation Ceremony. Venue and Time The venue for the 38th to 41st combined UDUSOK Convocation Ceremony …
The UNICROSS administration has decided that the first day of classes for returning students will take place exactly two weeks after the first day of classes for new students. This …
The Ignatius Ajuru University of Education’s management has announced the date of the university’s 42nd Convocation Ceremony. Venue and Time The venue for the 42nd IAUE Convocation Ceremony is the Convocation Arena. The …
The administration of Yobe State University has officially announced the forthcoming Matriculation Ceremony for new students in the 2025/2026 academic session. This ceremony is set to be held on the …
The administration of Bauchi State University, Gadau has officially announced the forthcoming Matriculation Ceremony for new students in the 2025/2026 academic session. This ceremony is set to be held on …
The management of the University of Nigeria, Nsuka wishes to inform all candidates that obtained the post UTME form and participated in the post UTME test that UNN admission list for 2025/2026 …
In this post aside listing all FUHSA courses available in the institution, I will also be guiding you through their entry admission requirements as well as the all you need …
The admittance fee for the 2025/2026 academic year at Federal University of Technology, Ikot Abasi is now available. The acceptance fee is the initial payment made by newly admitted students as …
The management of the Federal University of Technology, Ikot Abasi wishes to inform all fresh and prospective candidates that newly got admitted in to FUTIA that the school fees for 2025/2026 …
Federal University of Technology, Ikot Abasi JAMB cut off mark for all courses that are offered in the institution has been released by the school authority in accordance with JAMB’s …
In this post aside listing all FUTIA courses available in the institution, I will also be guiding you through their entry admission requirements as well as the all you need …