How to Start a Laundry Business in Nigeria

You can begin a Laundry Business in Nigeria with little amount if you have the passion to wash and care for clothes. I do not like spending so much time in doing laundry but I have met guys and ladies who love washing and would not care to wash a car full of laundry clothes.

Why do you think Laundry Business in Nigeria will be great idea?

There are few reasons for this:

  • We do not like to wash clothes.
  • Old habits they say never die. Most people never like the idea of washing so many clothes all at once. I remember my childhood days when we wash in turns in my family. When it is my turn, I would wash all my sisters’ clothes. This made me hate washing clothes but I did it anyway.
  • We want to free up more time
  • Time they say is life and wealth. No serious and goal oriented individual want to waste his time but rather free up time at my available opportunity. This means that the laundry services will help in this regard
  • We want our clothes ready now

When can I have them back? This is a questions mostly asked by your clients to be in the laundry business. They want their clothes done in the next hour if possible.

Who Can Do The Laundry Business?

Before you jump into the Laundry Business, you need to have the heart to run a business. This is a serious business as you will be dealing with a lot of people. So your customer relationship skills will come to play. Again make sure you love washing a lot. It has been said that an aspiring entrepreneur should do what they love.

Laundry Business Start-up Cost

Here are the following things that you will need to get you started very quick:

  1. You will buy a good washing soap
  2. A small pack of detergent
  3. A bleaching agent for stains on whiter clothes(either hypo bleach or any other useful one)
  4. A locally made starch or industrial starch
  5. Polythene nylon pack
  6. Buckets, brush, hangers,
  7. Very good and lasting pressing iron (can be a fairly used one or a new one depending on your pocket)

This laundry business for startups could also gulps up to few millions if you intend to start on a large scale. Some of the things you will need to put in place will include

  1. Dryers
  2. Washing machines
  3. Pressing iron
  4. Carts
  5. Vending Machines(POS Terminals)
  6. Stable Generator (for power failure)

A good looking and nice office will also add value to what you are doing.

You will require lots of helping hands to do this work.

People that will serve as receptionists, Machines operators, Sales and accounts executive among others

At this stage , you need to take a concise look into starting a Laundry Business in Nigeria as it is advisable for you to have a business plan before you begin.

The business plan will be a guide to your startup and for future referencing purpose.

Crafting a workable Laundry Business plan will help you note the following

  • Who are your competitors?
  • Is there a demand in my location for this business?
  • Where will I site my cloth laundry business?
  • How much will I charge?
  • What is the actual cost of starting both as a small scale level and a big scale level?

So you see that starting a Laundry Business in Nigeria is a good venture if you have the passion for it. Do not fail to plan and you shall succeed,

If you do have any challenge, kindly share in the comments box provided below.